Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Hidden Valley Resort

Running out of accommodation choices to enjoy the summer? Well, Cebu boasts some of the best resorts in the country; one is Hidden Valley Resort in southwest area of Cebu. It is located exactly in Brgy. Lamac, Pinamungajan, Cebu, which is about 2hours from the city. This place is so nice and full of naural resources.It’s unique among other resorts in Cebu since it is owned and managed by the Lamac Multi-Purpose Cooperative (LMPC) and far away from the city so it’s a good place to relax. Imagine yourself riding in a rocky and grumpy road in between mountains, that’s sort of adventure before reaching the hidden resort of Brgy. Lamac, of course it’s worth the effort when reaching Hidden Valley Resort. The experience is more like heaven I guess since it will offering you a great scenic view of the nature.On April 24-25, 2010, Cebu Bloggers Society along with the Tsinelas Association will hold its first Computer Literacy Outreach at Lut-od High School, Lut-od, Pinamungajan and the volunteers are invited to stay on Hidden Valley Resort for free!
Hidden Valley Mountain Resort is best recommended to those who wanted to hold a group retreat, or if you are with your spouse then it could be the romantic place for you and best for the people looking forward to experience nature and unwind and escape from the city life.
As far as I can remember, the tour guide fee was only P200 for 5 persons already. It was pretty cheap and the helmets and head lights were already included. It's like a 1-2 km walk from the Hidden Valley Resort.

After some relaxations in the Hidden Valley Resort in Pinamungajan Cebu, we decided to go Caving near that area with the help of a local guide.

Over-all, our caving experience in Lamac, Pinamungajan Cebu was totally awesome! You can really see the Stalactites and Stalagmites shining inside the Cave. I was even scolded not to touch the Shining stones "Again" because I've already touched it once. Shame on me. :D The reason we should not touch the shining stones is that our skin is not CLEAN and has oils that can affect the shininess of the stoned and will soon fade away. So I warn you now, protect the beauty of nature by not touchin on the Stalactites and Stalagmites. :

There was also this huge "Pipe" that we all thought that it was the Fresh Water Pipe for the swimming pools in Hidden Valley Resort. But when we took a closer look at it, we realized it was a TREE ROOT! A very very BIG and LONG TREE ROOT, inside the CAVE! wow! We were really amazed at the beauty of God's creation. :)

It was a fun experience because my dad and I love these kinds of adventures. But my kuya Raoul Derit has a lot of fears, especially when it comes to enclosed areas (like in a cave). So I interviewed him in my video camera on what he's feeling right now and what he felt after the Caving. And because of this experience, he was able to make a blog about conquering your fears.

Caving in Lamac, Pinamungajan, Cebu is one of the Best Caving Adventure In The World.

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